
  • shapeshape

    We Do Everything Possible

    Our continuous innovation and dedication have helped us achieve the peak success in the industry

  • shapeshape

    We Guarantee Quality

    Cincol has a team of highly experienced professionals who are dedicated to offering clients the best solutions in record time.

  • shapeshape

    We Reach the Whole World

    Products to meet the needs of consumers around the world

About CinCol

What is Cincol?

CINCOL is a dynamic and privately-owned company. We focus on creating environmentally safe, cost-effective products and best-in-class solutions to help formulators set the standard for performance and consumer appeal. To do that, we rely on a skilled team of technical experts and customer service professionals who have the experience and knowledge required to deliver consistent results.

Our Benefits

WHat We Offer

Contact Us

+1 888 730 3262
+1 513 461 2001
+44 (0) 16176 80393

Our expertise lies in offering high quality at an affordable price. Using state-of-the-art technologies, cutting-edge methodologies and latest tools, we ensure premium solutions at very competitive prices.
Our portfolio of syntheses, protocols and formulations allow us to efficiently produce custom polymers and formulations aiding R&D and reducing the time to market for new applications. CINCOL prides itself in producing high quality output that matches our customer material specifications as well as our demanding QA requirements.
We utilize a systematic approach in the application of quality tools to optimize our processes for continuous improvement to meet our customers’ requirements. We value our employees and draw on the expertise of CINCOL associates everywhere.
We strive to deliver goods and services that satisfy our customer's needs while progressively reducing our ecological impact and resource intensity throughout the life cycle. We adhere to internationally recognized environmental, social and corporate-governance standards.

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